Serenity Dental Center

Holistic Dentistry

Dental assistant

Holistic Dentistry is a term that refers to the understanding of a patient’s complete well-being rising from their dental concerns may they be cosmetic, structural or functional to their complete body wellness. Patients that are health-conscious can visit serenity dental center where the dentists are concerned with the relationship between the patient’s dental needs to their overall body well-being. Among the issues the dentists are concerned with include the mercury in the conventional amalgam fillings, fluoride in drinking water as well as the relationship in root canal treatment to other conditions in the patient’s body.

Holistic dentistry tries to solve teeth problems by determining the underlying cause in other parts of the body and treating them. The dentist will advise the patient on among other things, dental hygiene, diet and lifestyle habits. This procedure also makes use of natural remedies to solve the patient’s dental concerns such as decay and gum ailments. The procedures involved are patient-centered and are concerned with their overall well-being.

Holistic Dentistry and Traditional Dentistry

Dentists at serenity center have been trained on the effects of dentistry on the overall well-being of the patient. Whereas traditional dentistry merely works towards treating dental symptoms such as gum disease, holistic dentistry goes a step further to identify and treat the cause of the condition. For example, gum disease could be related to diabetes, pregnancy or even heart condition of the affected patient. Holistic dentistry also involves choosing safer and less toxic procedures in treatment as opposed to traditional dentistry which wouldn’t put much consideration to such issues.

Holistic Dentistry Practices

Holistic Dentistry procedures, in addition to the patient’s physical needs, are also concerned with their mental, emotional and spiritual needs. The procedure will include the dentist educating the patient on diet and lifestyle and the relationship between this and their overall health. The dentists also avoid conventional practices that deteriorate the patient’s health such as discouraging amalgams, as well as the use of fluoride in whatever form.

Instead of encouraging the use of metal fillings alternative methods are recommended. Such are composite fillings to fill gaps, repair cracked crowns and so on as they have no toxins which would cause a risk to the patient’s health.

Consultation at Serenity Dental Centre, LA

Dentists at serenity dental center have been offering holistic dentistry for a long time, and they are the leading holistic dental center in Los Angeles, CA. Patients considering switching from traditional to holistic dentistry should visit the dental center for the best dental experience. The holistic dentists will give guidance and treatment to them as per their individual needs.

The clinic offers the best oral healthcare in Los Angeles, CA always insisting on the use of nontoxic materials to maintain the patient’s overall body wellness and health as well as offering useful advice to the patients on diet and lifestyle to maintain perfect oral and dental condition. In addition, the center also provides patients with the latest technology in professional teeth whitening, restructuring, and cosmetic dentistry.