Serenity dental center has the best holistic dentist who provides not only high quality dental care but also safe dental services. Dr. Rouzita Rashtian possesses a unique personality and attitude towards the patient. This dentist also applies unique services when providing dental treatment services. This dentist is highly dedicated to providing biocompatible dentistry to her clients. Her unique dental services have earned her the title of the best holistic dentist Los Angeles. The qualities that you are likely to point out from this dentist include the following;
Dr. Rashtian way of providing dental treatment services is indeed unique. The best way to term her dental services is that they are highly transparent. In order to be a holistic dentist Los Angeles, it takes one to have the qualities of honesty and integrity. When offering dental services, Dr. Rashtian makes sure that the patient is aware of the procedure to be used as well as the materials to be used. At no point that the dentist will simply fill the patient’s cavities with dental material not known to the client. This quality has enabled her to provide dental services to many people. When a dentist is transparent, the client will be confident of what procedure the dentist is undertaking. It also involves being open to the client about the possible risks that may be involved in any dental process. This will then leave the patient to be fully aware of everything surrounding the procedure being performed.
Good experience
Being a holistic dentist, Los Angeles will require you to be highly experienced and skilled in varied fields of dentistry. A holistic dentist should not harm the patient at all. Since they are highly concern about the patient’s general wellness, the dentist must then have an excellent experience to make no mistake. A holistic dentist is supposed to be trusted by their clients; therefore, no mistakes should be involved since the patient is highly confident that you are going to give the best dental care. Apart from being smart professionally, the holistic dentist must also know how to create an excellent personal relationship with the client. This will enable the dentist to get full information about the health history of the patient and much other information.
Since holistic dentists are branded as the best dentist who care for the wellness of the patient, they must not be torn between the reality and the sympathy to the patient. Holistic dentists must be clear on the kind of dental procedure to be performed, they must be clear about the cost involved, and they must also be clear on the risks involved or any side effects that may arise. Holistic dentist Los Angeles must be clear to balance between what they actually want and what they need. They must balance the forces that exist between providing the best dental care and making more money. The dentist must keep in mind that both things involved are highly important and thus, they must be balanced at all times.