
Addressing the risk of amalgam fillings

Addressing the risk of amalgam fillings

A large number of people get treated with dental fillings on a regular day. Among this population, some people may be treated using mercury or amalgam fillings depending on the dental clinic visited. Recently, research has shown that amalgam dental fillings may have some negative effects on the health of an individual. Some dental clinics, including SERENITY DENTAL CENTER, offer mercury-free dental fillings that are safe for your teeth and general health.

Mercury-free fillings Los Angeles are the most convenient dental fillings you can get today. What’s more, the government has also taken up a role in stopping the use of amalgam fillings by refusing the use of mercury fillings for both children and adult treatment. There are a variety of risks associated with mercury fillings one of them being the components of the amalgam filling.

What is contained in a mercury filling?

Despite the name mercury fillings, these fillings do not contain mercury alone. Most of these amalgam fillings contain a mixture of metallic elements including silver, mercury, copper, and tin. This type of dental filling has been in use for more than a century due to its strength in covering teeth and durability of the dental fillings.

Amalgam fillings were also cheaper than ordinary fillings given their extended durability as compared to other forms of dental filling. Mercury is usually preferred when designing a dental filling since it makes the alloy soft and malleable to be placed on the tooth. It also hardens faster making it durable and firm. Today, tooth-colored dental fillings are used in place of amalgam fillings to prevent any risks to the patient’s health. At SERENITY DENTAL CENTER, you can get mercury-free fillings Los Angeles at a very affordable rate.

How does mercury affect the body?

Aside from mercury fillings, we encounter a lot of exposure to mercury through other means. Since it can be used in either a gaseous or liquid state, it is very easy to get into contact with. Generally, exposure to a little mercury is not usually fatal. However, exposure to huge amounts of mercury can cause symptoms such as irritability, memory loss, headaches, and fatigue.

Although medical scientists claim that the amount we are exposed to with amalgam fillings is very low, it is wise to avoid the dental fillings completely. Mercury-free fillings Los Angeles gives you the convenience of safe and reliable treatment.

Amalgam filling alternatives

Today, you can get various types of dental fillings including gold alloy fillings. Depending on your preference, the dentist will help you determine the best type of dental filling for you. There are also composite dental fillings which are designed in a dental lab before being pasted onto the tooth. The dentist takes the composite paste and covers the whole tooth.

The filling is then dried and hardened using a strong light. This type of filling is very affordable and easy to fit. Porcelain fillings are also available at SERENITY DENTAL CENTER. Porcelain fillings are brighter and more resistant to stains making them ideal for concealing the tooth. It will help reduce cases of tooth decay and cavities in your teeth.